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Marketing you web site part 2 using banners ad and classified ads

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Using Banners to market your web site Banner advertising is on just at a guess every web site you visit present-day. Banners are a form of advertising.

This advertising is used to help pay in behalf of the site and help make the owner money. The advertising revenue generated from banners falls into 3 groups. Regardless of the type of active or web site you have, you can use bnaners to help increase your income. Pay Per Impression (PPI), Pay Per Click (PPC), and Pay Per Sale/Lead (PPS). Pay Per Impression

A term CPM is as many a time as with not used with banner advertising. With PPI banner advertising you are paid each time your advertiser's banner is shown on your web pages. It means cost per thousand, which basically means you will be paid $x. Xx in behalf of every 1000 banners displayed to the visitors of your web site This is the easiest method to earn money with as with every time someone visits your web site you get paid.

However, this is not used very by far and is very easily abused. As an advertiser you do without NOT want to use PPI. If you have a 1000 visitors per day and are paid $5 per thousand then and there you make $150 per month. It would look like paying the newspaper or phone company money every time they said someone opened the newspaper or phonebook. Pay Per Click

With PPI you many be paid $5. WWith PPC banner, you are paid any more than with PPI but then only when the visitor actually clicks on the banner more like then and there as late as seeing it. 00 CPM (per thousand) and with PPC you could be paid $5 per click. However, not as with many will click on the banner.

Banner design has a big deal with of be in place with as what we ring up the conversion rate. Conversion rates in behalf of banners is usually less than 1%. That is basically about now radiant is the banner. A very solid banner may have a 5% conversion rate. Remember fact that is a passive income stream.

It is working around the clock and requires no work on your part. As an advertiser this is a bit better than PPI. So, if you have 1000 people a day the further to your web site and you have a 1% conversion rate with a payment of 50 cents per click, you could be earning $150 a month as late as in behalf of having the banner there. At least now the visitor is on your web site and you have a chance to gather information at a guess them and possibly sell them your product or service. Pay Per Sale/Lead

PPS banners only work all right in behalf of the web site owner if the advertiser does a solid job with the banner design (creating a desire to click), selling (presenting information), and closing (getting the sale). PPS banner advertising using pays at most dollars of these three methods, but then only generates income when the advertiser makes a sale to someone visiting from your web site It will have the lowest conversion rate of the three. None of these do without you control directly. Selecting PPS advertisers in behalf of your site should be wewll thought check out.

As an advertiser, this is the preferred type of banner advertising. Where come across advertisers I think for the best place come across people fact that want to place banner ads on your site will be the affiliate programs. This is as well a solid place in behalf of you to advertise fact that you would like to place banners on others sites as with all right.

Read the pages carefully. If you have friends or active associates fact that you do without active with you can ask them if they would like to place a banner on your site or if you could place a banner on theirs. Banners can be expensive if you don't generate any one sales. These exchanges become any more and any more cheap as with your site becomes any more cheap as with all right. A new source in behalf of banner ads are from the basic look about engines.

Google Adwords are probably for the best of note new source in behalf of advertising on a pay per basis. You can pay to have your ad/banner placed on others sites about as with complete as have other web site ads placed on your site. This works both ways. When your want ad is displayed and someone clicks on it they will visit your site and you pay Google in behalf of the visit. When you allow Google to place ads on your site and someone clicks the want ad, you get paid.

In the resource section of rd-webhosting. Using Classified Ads to market your web site Com you will find any more information on using banners to market your website.

Classified ads are as late as like in the newspaper. A playful look about on Yahoo in behalf of classified ads will find over 58,000,000 entries in behalf of sites and people each of which will either sell or place your classified ads on their web sites. They are pity detailed ads fact that offer your product or services and provides a get in touch (your email or web site). Classified want ad sites enter two categories. Free and Paid.

Free sites should be avoided. . BE CAREFUL. . Most free-of-charge classified want ad web sites.

Are farming your email address to sell to others. Paid classified web sites, however, can look like having a store in the world’s largest shopping mall in behalf of pennies a day in rent. You will find you email box loaded with tons of offers and once it starts it will never run down. One of the largest classified ads web sites is. .

. Think at a guess this. EBay. For at a guess 30 cents an want ad (item to sell) you get listed in behalf of all alone week where over 1 million people a day come to shop. I have any more information on eBay and other auction sites under Web Basics.

There are other forms of advertising as with all right. Others key on, your email signature, banner ads, ebooks and affiliates. One of which we discussed a top time ago was newsletters. Each are discussed from here. Click on the Marketing Resources to review each form of advertising.

This is part all alone of a multi-part series of Marketing you web site. //rd-webhosting. Please visit us at a rate of http. Com the rest of the series. In the next section we will range over marketing you web site using email, e-books, letterhead and magazines.

More information on marketing, website design and other areas of Internet Business can be found at a rate of http. Com in our resources area. //rd-webhosting.